Guest service
- Guide map
- Currently available in Japanese only.
- Information
- At the shop near the entrance.
- First aid center
- Please ask our staff member if you begin to feel sick or are injured.
- Lost & Found Something
- Please inquire at the Information center(Available: 9:00am -5:00 pm)
- Lost way or Separated your companion
- Please ask our staff member if you lost lose your way or get separated from your companion.
- Public Telephones
- None in the park.
- Credit Cards
- Unavailable.
- Coin Lockers
- We have coin lockers near the entrance and in the park. * The coin lockers can only be used during the day of your visit. No refunds given.
- Delivery Service
- Unavailable.
- Parking
- Space for approx. 1,500 vehicles. 1,000 yen/day per vehicle.
- None.
- Currency Exchange
- We do not have an exchange service.
- Smoking
- No smoking without the place Permitted to smoke.
- Re-entery for the park
- Please show your ticket for the day at the gate in re-entering.
- Where are the Sylvania Village and the M78 Ultraman Park located?
- They are inside of Grinpa.
- Restaurants
- There are four restaurants in the park.We serve the special meal for the group(more than 15 persons). For details, click here.
- Internet Service
- Unavailable.
- Wheelchair-accessible Restrooms
- We have four restrooms which are wheelchair accessible.
- Wheelchair rental
- This service is available at the park entrance.
Rental : ¥500 (You also need ¥500 for deposit)
We are really sorry but we have several wheelchairs for rent. This is why you might not use in some cases.(No reservation accepted)
- Diaper-changing Tables/Nursing Rooms
- A diaper-changing table is available every restroom in the park.
There are nursing rooms near the "Forest Kitchen" inside at Sylvania Village, in Toy Factory "Kids FujiQ"and near M78 Planet Dining at the M78 Ultraman Park.
- Baby Food, Powdered Milk, Weaning Food, and Disposable Diapers
- Disposable diapers can be purchased in the park.
Baby food and powdered milk are not available in the park.
- Stroller rental
- This service is available at the park entrance.
Rental : ¥500 (You also need ¥500 for deposit)
We are really sorry but we have several stroller rental for rent. This in why you might not use in some cases.(No reservation accepted)
- Hot water for powdered milk
- Available in the nursing rooms.
For other frequently asked questions, please click here.
(Available in Japanese only)